Blog Features

This is the Visitors Guide to the most interesting features in the Blog. This list of four topics are the things I think a reader might be interested in.

(1) The first I created myself. You are supposed to print it. It’s called the Practice Management Service; ESC. To learn how to use this powerful form search my blog for: “Practice Management”

Practice Management Service

(2) Second topic is a book. They probably don’t teach it in College anymore, but that is where I got it from. The reason it’s a book is the essay within; Eye and Mind by Maurice Merleau-Ponty. There is a recent translation which isn’t as good. Try to read the Eye and Mind translation by Carleton Dallery.

The Primacy of Perception; Maurice Merleau-Ponty; Northwestern University Press. Edited James M. Edie: 1964

(3)Third, you can use the blog search box on my blog to learn more about my painting; 46605.

Gevluef search link for Gevluef on search “46605”

(4) Lastly, I have been very productive sharing the Advance Directive Worksheet. It is most helpful. I’ve written quite a bit of posts here at Gevluef about it. The worksheet, a single page of text is the thing to get. The other writings about the Advance Directive are supportive to that main work – Johnson and Johnson PDF. To get all the Advance Directive writing use the Gevluef search box link:

Gevluef search link for Gevluef on search “advance directive”

Thank you for your visit.