My One Vote!

In my Sophomore year of High School, I ran for vice president to get involved with student government. When my dad cheated on my mom it made the eve of my speech a great difficulty. While studying my speech, I was grossly impaired. I could not think of my words. Nothing made sense. It was as if every thought leaked away and my understanding simply not working correctly.

When I gave the Speech the next day, I bombed. I said some stuff in front of the whole Sophomore Class. None of it made any sense. I stood there and failed. Dad cheated in my speech. The Teacher doing the intakes and class projects for those who made it into student government told me the election was close. She told me I lost by one vote. I conceded.

Many years later, I learned that I got only one vote. I learned that I failed badly at the speech. Nobody voted for me because I didn’t say anything that made sense –  save one person: Mark Calado.


I know that when I am there talking to my class, I am embarrassed for my Father. I am sorry.

Since I could not be understood in my speech, the class broke up. They had to stop working. See The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9