Words for Dictionary

Pfui! – variant spelling of phooey: an exclamation of disgust, aversion, dislike, contempt, or annoyance.

Thievery – A more common way to say thievery is theft, or in a police report, larceny. It’s easy to see where the word thievery comes from — to thieve is to steal, and both words come from the Old English root þeof, or thief.

Legal Change of Name

There might be a councilor here at the Casa Esperanza that could help me change my name back to Hugh Farrell.

My most recent attempt to get it right, Hugh Farrell, is with one of those TV programs that settles court matters; Judge Judy. Can she change my name?

The reason I can’t change my name back to Hugh Farrell with the county is because I have a case with the William Lewis name. The judge says no to the name change for consistency. I’m not trying to get away with anything. It’s circumstantially Hugh because that’s how I am called at home by staff and my peers.

I guess from here I collect my legal insight. Everyone calls me Hugh. That is meaningful to me: Hugh Farrell AA.

I want to get it back legally.


Roosevelt, Kermit. “An insurrectionist for president; Trump is running despite the 14th Amendment. He’s not the first to do so.” Los Angeles Times, October 1, 2023, p. A23.

I was reading about the War in Ukraine. They think that Trump is still President. I wish I could reassure them he is not coming back.

It looks like he’s guilty. I think he is hurting us.

Comment: May 11, 2024; more about Trump and the 14th amendment, Wall Street Journal video: https://www.wsj.com/us-news/law/can-trump-be-barred-from-the-2024-ballot-what-to-know-about-the-law-934547f4