Clozaril Discontinued

I have been on Clozaril since December 2014. Medicine makers of Clozaril that don’t have something else going on have stopped making it. They are Mylan and Tev. The available makers Aurobindo Pharm, and Accord have bad side effects. I have tried to take their Clozaril; I had problems. So, I have to change to another medicine. Good Clozaril isn’t available anymore.

Changing to a newer medicine might agree with the Pharmacy. For years now, staff has to stop prescribing Clozaril. I am pretty sure this medicine is on its way out. It was a good medicine for its time.

Gevluef search link for Gevluef on search “Clozaril”

Correlatives In The Advance Directive Worksheet

Google search link definition for Correlatives. – a word or concept that has a mutual relationship with another word or concept.

In the Advance Directive, Correlatives are your little jobs. You are supposed to keep a notebook handy to note your ideas. They are your productive ideas that indicate you are working correctly.

Legal Change of Name

There might be a councilor here at the Casa Esperanza that could help me change my name back to Hugh Farrell.

My most recent attempt to get it right, Hugh Farrell, is with one of those TV programs that settles court matters; Judge Judy. Can she change my name?

The reason I can’t change my name back to Hugh Farrell with the county is because I have a case with the William Lewis name. The judge says no to the name change for consistency. I’m not trying to get away with anything. It’s circumstantially Hugh because that’s how I am called at home by staff and my peers.

I guess from here I collect my legal insight. Everyone calls me Hugh. That is meaningful to me: Hugh Farrell AA.

I want to get it back legally.


Roosevelt, Kermit. “An insurrectionist for president; Trump is running despite the 14th Amendment. He’s not the first to do so.” Los Angeles Times, October 1, 2023, p. A23.

I was reading about the War in Ukraine. They think that Trump is still President. I wish I could reassure them he is not coming back.

It looks like he’s guilty. I think he is hurting us.

Adidas Logo Picture

In the 1990-91 School Year I was using meth. That is no surprise to my readers because I have written about meth in previous posts.

Eric gave me the bag with something in it. I took it up. I carried it in my sinus until 2000. Staff in Seattle gave me a hankie. They told me to let it run. When it came down it looked like the Adidas Logo; shown here with sides.

This post makes the most sense to someone from San Francisco where the meth was from. By the time I took it up the police were already involved; I reason that is where the flower seed was from. I am thankful to Seattle for my runny nose. I’m an example to someone that still has this in their sinus. My best knowledge is that meth hurts the body.

I believe that letting your nose run is the best practice. There is an older post, February 11th, 2016 about what to do for electricity in the body. The time to get the sniffles is when you feel electricity.  So, its a reason for getting a case of the sniffles.

Sumner House

Sumner House

The 1990-1991 School year was a very productive time for me. I was meeting Leila Alpers, taking Philosophy courses and doing Art. I think it was a productive time because I was also doing methamphetamine. Me and a housemate, Eric, would go to San Francisco to get it. I was using a tiny tiny amount at a time. I was treating ADHD. And, so I was very productive.

Golden Gate Bridge toll story