Rose Acres


It was a plan to build a new house with the old boarding house as an example. As it was getting closer to finishing the new house and the threat was that the old boarding house would be destroyed, the staff started listening to Nirvana. It was telling the staff in Tagalog to not destroy the old house. It was once a place for Samuel Clemens to do his thinking.

We have a tendency to unlearn things. Saving this house is probably an example of what we need to relearn periodically. I don’t want anyone to destroy the old house. I stayed at the new house when it was a mental health place in 1998. The same thing happened there as at the old house. It is Felton, California, there is gravity.

Could you please arrange to have a plaque placed on the front door saying that this house is a significant historical property? If so, I wouldn’t notice, but other people will. And, it could save the house.

Sumner House

Sumner House

The 1990-1991 School year was a very productive time for me. I was meeting Leila Alpers, taking Philosophy courses and doing Art. I think it was a productive time because I was also doing methamphetamine. Me and a housemate, Eric, would go to San Francisco to get it. I was using a tiny tiny amount at a time. I was treating ADHD. And, so I was very productive.

Golden Gate Bridge toll story


1994 – Introduction To MH

This is my accounting of the events after trying to make it in Napa. I should say that I couldn’t get by in Napa and thus I was taken into the Napa State Hospital; October 25, 1993.

Every intake question they asked I would think for some amount of seconds and then respond. By the time I got to my hospital bed I was threatening; a side effect from thinking. My cousin was pregnant with her first child.

My stay was short though, comparable to the regulars at the T-5 ward. I was sent on December 24, to Harbor Hills Hospital in Santa Cruz. This was a locked psychiatric facility.

I was out of time and needed to be competent before going back into the community. The person who helped me with that was Kimberley another patient at Harbor Hills. I thought we were getting married. My cousin had her baby.

I was ready to go back to Napa. I stayed in mental health. Napa was not the best place for me. I should have gone further North to Seattle, Washington. I might have gotten by there. 

Kimberley still lives in Santa Cruz. She is one of the ones that has Schizophrenia. I was Schizo-Affective. This was a time when I really accepted my mental Illness. I also got the Home Office ethic from Kim. I also had poisoning from Salmonella earlier in 1993.

There were nurturing staff in Napa and I was able to work and be independent with my mental illness. I would like to think I had some mystery achievements there. That I will have to share for another time.

Lithographic Limestone Printmaking

I have given this post a couple of Tags: Lithographic, Printmaking. There are five posts on this subject here at Gevluef. UC Santa Cruz has a lot of limestone for fine art printing. It is a major collection, and a reason to go to UC Santa Cruz – or not. They have a landfill.

Below are links to the other posts on this subject:

This list of posts has a directive. The main idea is to raise awareness of the UC Santa Cruz Printmaking Studio.

Search: Trash, Garbage smell

Concluding with Joyce

There are a couple of things I need to say regarding the revised date of the date. In a post titled Joyce Kim, I gave factual testimony about what happened with her. Now I have more to say.

When I left her house and got home from the short weekend in Berkeley, it was Saturday evening, the 19th of October. Alan insisted that we go to the Untouchables concert. He would not take no for an answer. There are reasons why this happened, but I’m not ready to go into it. I went to the concert with Alan. Here is the thing; Joyce has an obstacle in her right fallopiam tube. That means that in her normal cycle of ovulation she cannot pass an egg. Either due to my getting punched (the right fist contacts my left face side) at the concert, or the firestorm in the Oakland hills, Joyce ovulated on the left side. That happened October 19, the night of the Untouchables concert. I imagine that it happened the instant my nose was broken. I did not loose consciousness. It takes 18 hours to pass an egg. So, during the height of the firestorm, the day of the 20th, she conceived twins.

I never learned about the children. I didn’t see them when they were young. I know for sure that I would have stepped up as a father, worked out the problem with Joyce, and raised them. But what happened was Tim, with Schizophrenia, came onto the situation happening with Joyce. He did not help her, he helped himself by reveling in, and consuming the unfolding drama. That would be the circumstance for the childrens’ whole lives. He worked at maintaining the perceptions of the parties consistent with his mental illness. If Joyce had talked to the police, she would have discerned facts. For example, the officer would have said, “just the facts mam?” I now posit that the fire was the reason Joyce couldn’t resolve with me. And, if she were asked if it were possible for us to join up, she would say no.

There is also the rhinoplasty. The ear nose and throat doctor, Charles Eldridge, straightened my septum. This fact further dramatized the circumstance because I was experiencing mental health symptoms also. With the straightened septum, I was psychotic. My father described me as lucid. I will ask the reader to have some thoughts about the rhinoplasty-1 rhinoplasty-2 as it is a major improvement. I feel very lucky that I got one. And, I have written about this in previous posts. If there are any additional reasons that Joyce didn’t let me in, it would be because of the effects of the rhinoplasty.

I hope that I have provided some new information for the reader to understand more about how I was affected by the Oakland Firestorm of 1991.

Concerning Month in 1991

This post is proof that I have had the wrong date for my one night stand with Joyce. I need to show this because I have to rewrite my history. Back in the day the only reference was a home made calendar for the month that everything happened. I did not label that particular month, so I didn’t know what month it was. I located the critical days Friday and Saturday the 18th and 19th, so these days I am sure of. Because of the below helpful calendar from 1991, I can see that those dates couldn’t possibly be in November and are in fact days in October.


This past twenty-four years I have collected many substance type materials that I have to now change. And, probably because of the fact that the Oakland Firestorm occurred on the 19th of the same month and year, I can presumably say the error was in my best interests; not to acknowledge the truth because it is so terrible. In the course of rewriting my history to reflect the corrected information, I have the BLUE painting. So the blue painting will establish more than what happened, it will close the matter in total. It will be that absolute point of getting the one night stand correctly. I know that when this project is finished, a viewer of the blue painting who knows just a little bit about me will get it solid.