Joyce’s thoughts father reneged on the deal

Joyce’s thoughts – father reneged on the deal; arrears

The Pediatrician was promised a circumcision after the baby was born. The father reneged on the deal. The baby turned out to be a girl. Their family doctor was devastated. There was no circumcision as planned. I am referring to Joyce’s Father and the Doctor’s Arrears.

This was after the Summer in late 1991. There was a firestorm in the Berkeley Hills.

Did you notice the term ARREARS. There was money due for immunizing Joyce. She may never have contracted Chickenpox. This was the pediatrician’s equivalency: “he reneged on the deal.”

Alan Greenspan Problem

Alan Greenspan said, ‘we’re old enough,’ when he ordered the new money. It’s just since 1997 that we have been using it. I don’t believe that it is good for us or for Democracy. The old money was working fine.

The family Doctor immunized the baby for Chickenpox. The force to do it was a lot of money. Getting the Vaccine we must have had to pay a lot of money.

This is the problem for the UK. They haven’t used the chickenpox vaccine yet.  The UK knows that we’re ruined politically in our country. They are waiting.

Lithographic Limestone Printmaking

I have given this post a couple of Tags: Lithographic, Printmaking. There are five posts on this subject here at Gevluef. UC Santa Cruz has a lot of limestone for fine art printing. It is a major collection, and a reason to go to UC Santa Cruz – or not. They have a landfill.

Below are links to the other posts on this subject:

This list of posts has a directive. The main idea is to raise awareness of the UC Santa Cruz Printmaking Studio.

Search: Trash, Garbage smell

Sonic Youth Disparity

For readers who are following the Sonic Youth story, This is another version of what happened. It is the B-side of the story.

On August 16, 1990 at the Sonic Youth Concert for the album Goo I made a Musical Faux Pas. When I was close to the stage I had to cover one eye to focus on the band. Then I saw my sister also in the crowd at the front of the stage. I looked on like she did not see me. Then I witnessed her being grabbed. She said, “Cut it out!”

She once told me she liked the crowded pit. I thought as much at the time. I had something in mind. It was Terry Merriam March 7 that grabbed her. Had I not seen my sister I wouldn’t have copied Terry. And, my Musical Faux Pas wouldn’t have happened.

Shortly after the Concert in days my sister picked me up for a procedure ending her pregnancy. It was Bills baby, her boyfriend. I think I would have rather she have the baby even though I had a difficulty with it at the concert.

This is another story about what was happening at the Sonic Youth concert in 1990.

Advance Directive Family

When a person crying files an Advance Directive, often the best they can do is to make it a family member; the decision maker a family member.

So, it would be up to that family member to get the information right concerning reasons and crying. This is the reality for the Advance Directive. I have been thinking the person named is going to help a person with crying. That a family member is named is making me think the form is more durable than once thought.

I still believe it’s the remedy for a person crying.  Gevluef has lots of posts about the Advance Directive. The most important one is the PDF, “Johnson and Johnson case.” It’s only one page to read and it is super helpful.

California Lottery Helps Kids in School

I’ve been meaning to share my insight about the California Lottery. We voted for the Lottery because we wanted to help our kids in school.

To help a student having trouble in school, you tell the lottery staff the Name and address of the student. The Lottery makes that information a winner; thus relaxing real estate. The student benefits by doing better in school.

Improvements in MH

My Mental Health has been improving since March 6th, 2018 when Leila died. She had phocomelia and I was the associated person. I am experiencing fewer occurrences of psychosis. And the episodes are shorter in duration. It’s because I’m not discerning Leila’s dominant disposition genetically. My delusions make more sense to other people. I don’t think I need to get the word out quite as much these days.

“Culture” is one of the solutions when referring to my Mental Illness.

Concerning my Enterprises

Concerning my Enterprises. I’m in trouble with a dog. I noticed as far back as 2005, the dog has encroached upon my privileges and immunities. What should I do when I want to advance with an enterprise? It is the pathology of a dog to foil those enterprises. I don’t succeed because a work of Art is a dog’s problem. I’m an artist.

The dog is interested in Art and the artist. In an effort to work, I am learning to think like a dog in order to pass this dog problem. Art is the dog’s motive.

The psychiatrist doesn’t like Art. So, the psychiatrist will utilize the dog in place of Art. This is how the dog’s pathology is maintained by a person. The dog’s cause is catchy among people. This is the part that inhibits the success and failure of an artist’s enterprises.

I wrote in Twitter the place for a dog in Philosophy:

In Philosophy the question gets asked, “What if I’m a girl?” You wait. Recently I realized the Dog has a place in this storied question. The dog understands neurosis!

No worries though. As a Philosopher, I can identify a therapeutic value. As a group, the dogs can help me solve problems in Philosophy. It appears as if they help with that subject.

Comment: February 16, 2023: There is a problem. Dalmatians are bad. They are deaf and inbred. Difficult to train.

The Dalmatian is subdued with Pumpkin; or maybe Pumpkin Spice. Please, if you are having trouble with dalmatians try this easy remedy.

Comment; Dec 6, 2021: Using the Dog a person can wait for their date. Prevent things from happening as a couple when you are not connected very well, use the dog. November 29, 2022; Also here is a link to Make Me a Picture another relationship directive.


A Papa For Patton

From an historical post about Jenny Berkeley, I explained that Patton is incompatible with his father Art; Art is a man’s name. Patton’s blood type is (B-) and his dad is (A). This is a special circumstance. For this to work out Patton made Jenny Art’s fan. This is a therapeutic outcome for his dad, Art, who has a matter of the circumstance suffers from neurosis.

Patton got herpes from Jenny. It was my herpes! I am a Papa for Patton. Patton says I am yelling at him. I am the Papa for Patton. I am sad to report that Jenny died October 21, 2014.

Musical Faux Pas

I recently contacted key band members in music to share my painting, “46605.” You know I did pretty good for my self even though I’m a slave to Sonic Youth since August 16th, 1990.

August 16, 1990 Frotteurism 302.89 DSM III-R.

Gevluef search link for Gevluef on search “Sonic Youth.”

Regarding the video “Punk Broke,” I watched for Thomas Jefferson. He was cremated on October 19th, 1991. I won’t get the video though I saw a little in You Tube. It really looks like something broke. Good-bye Thomas! Thank you for taking care of me; I got a great Painting.