Insight for Schizo Mental Illnesses

So, I’ve had some time to think about Mental Illness. I must have some insight about it.

Who ever said Schizo-Affective has to differ from Schizophrenia by a mood component. I’m Schizo-Affective and I have to say I don’t get it. I have no mood component.

In recent DSMs the Schizo Mental Illnesses are together in one diagnosis. Staff is stopping the Schizo-Affective Mental Illness Diagnosis. They have to because for Schizo-Affective there is no differentiating mood component.

  • Schizophrenia (FF-SF)
  • Schizo-Affective (FF-SS)

I don’t have a mood component. Staff is wrong.

Taking Complaints has official text, accepted rhetoric in referring to Mental Illness. There is a hereditary table there too. I am sure it is interesting.

Comment: May 13, 2024; There is another less clear writing in an earlier post. I’m trying to understand the Schizo-Affective Mental Illness:

Medical Directives

The most important vaccine for preventing Cancer is the Gardasil.

Human papillomavirus vaccines are vaccines that prevent infection by certain types of human papillomavirus. Available HPV vaccines protect against either two, four, or nine types of HPV. All HPV vaccines protect against at least HPV types 16 and 18, which cause the greatest risk of cervical cancer.

The other vaccine and it is a close second is Tdap for pertussis. This one weakens and could be renewed with a booster every four or five years.

Art Class Instructor

Visitors are interested in learning about my Painting 46605. This post is about my art instructor at UC Santa Cruz. The school year was 1990-1991. I met Joyce in Oct. 1991 in the next school year, 1991-1992. So, focus on the class for when I painted 46605 and read on.

The class might have been a lower division painting studio class. She told the students to cover the whole canvas with paint in each sitting.

After teaching, she went to San Francisco where she married. She had a daughter. She worked for an Architecture firm as the front desk secretary.

My father liked her nephew; Jeff. I was Jeff and so she liked me – she was my fathers reason. She and my father is all that was going on. He may have been her right. Coincidence?

My instructor died of Cancer in approximately 2005. The photograph I have of 46605 is from a slide which she took for me. I have the slide in my possession. Her name is written on the back of the painting with the note – “Instructor.”

Up Coming Date

The anniversary of my one night stand with Joyce is coming up; it’s on October 19, 2021. I went to Berkeley. On my return there was the Berkeley Fire Storm of 1991. Against my better judgment, that night I went to the untouchables concert. I believe Thomas Jefferson’s service ended. I got punched. and saw a great blue light. Need I go on?

Just that this is the date when a bunch of stuff happened; 1991.