This is the Apples Note

The CRT program was an ample opportunity for me to get my housing and medication situated. I started Clozaril. The only undesirable side effect is drooling. I take Clozaril to this day. As I say I got the therapeutic value for Clozaril right away.  

The meals at CRT are a strict 2000 calories a day. So, I was eating Apples to supplement.

After the program I returned home where I saw a red light in the morning sky and had a sore Jaw. These are the signals of a XYphoid that has been formed with my white cell. I had to reason the rest of the story.

I drooled on the comforter at night. It wasn’t washed between clients. He used the same comforter with my drool. He must have thought it was a female from the smell of Apples. So he took up my white cell.

I think the psychiatrist would want to know everything about this Scenario. The date for my stay at CRT was December 14, 2014. And the person that has my white cell is Anthony Villarreal. I need help with this as the XYphoid is a process. I even think he could come to live with us at Casa E. He is invited to stay. 

The problem is a girl. They don’t do the XYphoid. That’s why I didn’t write earlier. For the girl, there is Stone Roses. I have had a lot of trouble from a XYphoid; even a legal issue. This is not suitable for a girl. I regret writing about this subject.

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