
Phenomenology of Spirit

This is supposed to be read as an experience. The philosophy manifests from his rhetoric. Below is a sample of his original writting. Try to get Hegel’s primary source if you want to read him:

313. Now however much the external shape could express the inner individuality only insofar as the external shape is neither an organ nor an activity, and thereby only insofar as it is a whole at rest, still it would then conduct itself as a durably existing thing which should have motionlessly received into its own passive existence the inner as something alien. It thereby would have become the sign of the inner – an external contingent expression, whose actual aspect is on its own meaningless, a language whose sounds and sound- combinations are not the real thing itself but are intertwined with it through free arbitrary choice and are contingent for that language.

Comment: Gevluef, March 25, 2016; please visit the Phocomelia picture: https://gevluef.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/phocomelia/

Rods Phenomenon

The rod is a symptom of a Table. I had a Table. It was subtracted and the Rod phenomenon went away. All that’s left of the flying rod is the number 54. I learned about the rods on the History channel. I have written other posts here at Gevluef about a table. It is a reason to feel worried.




Comment: May 14, 2024: It is presumed that the DSM IV is a Rod. The date for that presumption is November 10th, 2023


There is something I want to clarify about my mental illness. I don’t help. Leila has the use of her arms and some of her hands. Many people with Phocomelia do not and need help with everyday tasks such as showering, eating, and going to the bathroom. Leila can do everything herself. She does not need assistance; so, I’m not a helper. I just wanted to clarify that.

She is very proud of her functionality. She would benefit, and so would I, if she asked for help once in a while.

Eye And Mind

The essay in which every college student should read is Eye And Mind translation by Carleton Dallery. There is another translation that is more recent; but it is inferior. The best is the one I have provided the link for; however to get this essay in full you might have to buy the book. I can’t seem to find this translation on the Internet. To read about Merleau-Ponty visit his Wikipedia page.

Before Life On Mars

I must tell you there are other elements in the human composition that require our attention before we muse about the life on Mars. There are recent developments in medicine making young people immune to Chicken Pox. As early as 1988, babies have been immunized. They are more psychologically sound than people who have had them. Also, we must consider that the 22nd chromosome is affected by both the Internet and global warming. This chromosome is responsible for our conscience. It is the most troublesome because of it’s capacity to “Be.” Both of these elements could contribute to our feelings of well-being sociologically. And when I begin to believe that there is life on Mars, I recall these important elements; and, I know that God has very much more to do with them.

Last Word On Conscience

I wrote that I’m loosing my girlfriends due to a function of the work of Art titled 46605 in an earlier post – differentiation; but, now in this last two posts I wrote about differentiation of the conscience. I know I’m not getting anywhere with it. I’m a primary quality whose mental illness manifests in an understandable way. I just wanted to acknowledge the differentiation function in terms other than what a girl’s natural process has within. The truth that it is no big deal is perhaps better understood by young people who wouldn’t appreciate my painting’s nature.

Posts in this reading cell:

  1. Government and Conscience
  2. About the Conscience
  3. Differentiation
  4. XVR Available

Government and Conscience

This illustration is not a code. The architecture of the government is based on the phocomelia genetic disorder. Phocomelia is explained in About The Conscience

Like B and b denoted the dominant and recessive traits for eye color, the letters in this picture denote the dominant and recessive dispositions for conscience. This is a particular build for a person learning about phocomelia.

When Thomas Jefferson designed this he believed that the people with mal formed hands were the basis for primary and secondary qualities and that they are responsible for Democracy.

The primary quality that he was after was the recessive-recessive disposition for conscience in relation to a person with phocomelia. The secondary qualities were everyone else affected by that primary quality. It is also possible for the primary quality person to have a dominant-recessive disposition for conscience; but, that would be an entirely different governmental build. Thomas Jefferson had a serious belief that the primary and secondary qualities were based on people and how they feel things.

About The Conscience

I have written about differentiation, however the reader would have had to have read some of my earlier posts to know I have already said some stuff on the conscience. Well, I will mention it again. This post is on differentiating the conscience.

The twenty-second chromosome exists in a dominant and recessive trait. The people with more interaction with the world, have more information to process, or feel strongly about a certain idea have a dominant trait for the twenty-second chromosome.

The reason this gene is responsible for our conscience is because it is possible for a person to inherit a dominant gene from both parents. It causes a genetic disorder known as phocomelia. The dominant-dominant disposition is very assertive. It is like the parent’s consciences together in one body. As you can see I’ve been begotten. But, this genetic disorder fuels the differentiation process. We think stuff about our selves because we also have the same twenty-second chromosome and are affected by the person with phocomelia.

People with a recessive disposition for the twenty-second chromosome also work correctly. They trust their own feelings and make decisions from within. They’re a free spirit.

It is common to have one dominant gene and one recessive gene – one from each parent. It is also common to inherit two recessive genes. The phocomelia is not common. Out of the rare occasions when the dominant-dominant disposition survives the assertiveness in one body of the parent’s consciences, the offspring has the blood-type AB.

So, some things fall into place. It is conceivable for this text to explain mental illness. A person could suffer indirectly from phocomelia more particularly than normal. It also depends on the kind of mental illness depending on their particular dispositions of the same twenty-second chromosome.

Now I have said my peace as to the conscience and differentiation.