Adidas Logo Picture

In the 1990-91 School Year I was using meth. That is no surprise to my readers because I have written about meth in previous posts.

Eric gave me the bag with something in it. I took it up. I carried it in my sinus until 2000. Staff in Seattle gave me a hankie. They told me to let it run. When it came down it looked like the Adidas Logo; shown here with sides.

This post makes the most sense to someone from San Francisco where the meth was from. By the time I took it up the police were already involved; I reason that is where the flower seed was from. I am thankful to Seattle for my runny nose. I’m an example to someone that still has this in their sinus. My best knowledge is that meth hurts the body.

I believe that letting your nose run is the best practice. There is an older post, February 11th, 2016 about what to do for electricity in the body. The time to get the sniffles is when you feel electricity.  So, its a reason for getting a case of the sniffles.

Rose Acres


It was a plan to build a new house with the old boarding house as an example. As it was getting closer to finishing the new house and the threat was that the old boarding house would be destroyed, the staff started listening to Nirvana. It was telling the staff in Tagalog to not destroy the old house. It was once a place for Samuel Clemens to do his thinking.

We have a tendency to unlearn things. Saving this house is probably an example of what we need to relearn periodically. I don’t want anyone to destroy the old house. I stayed at the new house when it was a mental health place in 1998. The same thing happened there as at the old house. It is Felton, California, there is gravity.

Could you please arrange to have a plaque placed on the front door saying that this house is a significant historical property? If so, I wouldn’t notice, but other people will. And, it could save the house.

Sumner House

Sumner House

The 1990-1991 School year was a very productive time for me. I was meeting Leila Alpers, taking Philosophy courses and doing Art. I think it was a productive time because I was also doing methamphetamine. Me and a housemate, Eric, would go to San Francisco to get it. I was using a tiny tiny amount at a time. I was treating ADHD. And, so I was very productive.

Golden Gate Bridge toll story


This is the Apples Note

The CRT program was an ample opportunity for me to get my housing and medication situated. I started Clozaril. The only undesirable side effect is drooling. I take Clozaril to this day. As I say I got the therapeutic value for Clozaril right away.  

The meals at CRT are a strict 2000 calories a day. So, I was eating Apples to supplement.

After the program I returned home where I saw a red light in the morning sky and had a sore Jaw. These are the signals of a XYphoid that has been formed with my white cell. I had to reason the rest of the story.

I drooled on the comforter at night. It wasn’t washed between clients. He used the same comforter with my drool. He must have thought it was a female from the smell of Apples. So he took up my white cell.

I think the psychiatrist would want to know everything about this Scenario. The date for my stay at CRT was December 14, 2014. And the person that has my white cell is Anthony Villarreal. I need help with this as the XYphoid is a process. I even think he could come to live with us at Casa E. He is invited to stay. 

The problem is a girl. They don’t do the XYphoid. That’s why I didn’t write earlier. For the girl, there is Stone Roses. I have had a lot of trouble from a XYphoid; even a legal issue. This is not suitable for a girl. I regret writing about this subject.

Improvements in MH

My Mental Health has been improving since March 6th, 2018 when Leila died. She had phocomelia and I was the associated person. I am experiencing fewer occurrences of psychosis. And the episodes are shorter in duration. It’s because I’m not discerning Leila’s dominant disposition genetically. My delusions make more sense to other people. I don’t think I need to get the word out quite as much these days.

“Culture” is one of the solutions when referring to my Mental Illness.

History With Russians

Knowing discernment about the conscience is knowing no fear. Tim had a dominant gene for conscience and an AB type person with phocomelia. Going back to when Tim was friends with me he fulfilled the Russian role in socialization.

I have recessive genes for the conscience, and an AB type person with phocomelia. Going back to my friendship, I fulfilled the presidential role in socialization.

Ronald Reagan was the exact perfection as president and I think Ronald Reagan brought me over to the Russian side. For the last 29 years Russia has had me in mind; since Ronald Reagan. I believe the Russians are trying to give back in the form of Jeff. I know what it’s like to be presidential because of Ronald Reagan even though he gave me over to the Russians. As they are trying to do, the enigma is Jeff.

Comment; May 22, 2022: I need to say that the Russians were able to provide India with Chicken Pox Vaccines. This is more of a history for India than Russia. Read it in another post:



My father stole a bicycle when he was a boy. That affects me in the form of a cognitive imbalance. The matter is concerning a possibility. The badly needed capacity to reason is missing in my perspective. The person discerns the facts from someone else’s possibility. I can only hope that Spinoza provides the context when I am in need of support. Below is a bicycle. Although it is not the main part of the composition, the bicycle is present. Lately I’ve been thinking I would like to do a painting of a bicycle.

Blue Painting Completed

I am submitting my final result to Gevluef. There was a plan for additional layers of paint, for example a layer of wax medium, but due to the fact that the figure is a female and not me, I decided against it. This painting has a strong NARRATIVE. That I’m most proud of. It is also a good example of a picture in which a girl would use as a fire-wall; see Make Me A Picture.


Comment: This painting iterated when Joyce saw it on March 8, 2023